Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to school schedule.

I wrote this last year, but this time around I'm modifying it a bit. I feel that most of it still applies. Although now both of my kids will be in school for the same amount of time. (YES!)
I've adjusted the schedule accordingly.  

6:00 I wake up
6:05 wake up again
6:10 insert coffee IV drip
6:20 make lunches
6:30 wake up kids and get them dressed
7:00 family breakfast and clean up
7:40 attempt to leave house
7:41 go back in house to find lost shoe
7:45 attempt to leave house
7:48 realize daughters hair is not combed. run inside for hair clip.
7:50 leave house.
8:00 school starts
8:05 we arrive at school
8:10-2:10 MY TIME ALONE. What will I do with  myself?? consider opening        bottle of champagne to celebrate. decide against.
2:15 pick up kids
2:25- 3:15  homework and snack time
3:15 change out of school clothes
3:30- 5:00 play time outside (them)
4:30 start making dinner (me) consider opening bottle of wine, decide against
5:00 kids come in asking if dinner is ready.
5:01 consider opening bottle of wine, decide against
5:30 eat dinner and clean
6:30 kids get clothes, shoes, and bags ready for next day
6:35 consider opening bottle of wine, decide yes.
6:45 good mood kicks in
7:00 kids bath time
7:30 kids bed time
7:30 Pour more wine. enjoy some TV of my choosing
8pm daddy comes home and microwaves his dinner
9pm I go to bed.
9:05 daddy sits alone in living room wondering wtf happened to everybody.